
Check out our posts on workforce management software. You'll learn from Legion experts, customers, and partners how Legion WFM enables intelligent automation to maximize labor efficiency and employee engagement simultaneously.

Person On Couch Looking At Mobile Phone

HR’s New Superpower — Learn about it live at HR Tech

Learn the top 3 reasons employees leave (besides pay), how to use AI-powered WFM for greater employee empowerment (and optimized labor efficiency), and use comms tools to build culture.

Intelligent Workforce Management – What HR Leaders Need to Know

Get details on how intelligent workforce management empowers HR and Operations leaders and enhances the hourly employee experience. Plus learn how Cinemark does it.

MUJI North America Improves Employee Engagement, Communications, and Scheduling Optimization with Legion WFM

MUJI North America improved its workforce management by choosing Legion. They said “Legion’s AI capabilities were just what we were looking for given the complexity of our operations.”

How Does Demand Forecast Accuracy Impact the Business?

Even just a small increase in the accuracy of demand forecasting can save money. Learn how Legion Demand Forecasting can help improve accuracy.

2022 State of the Hourly Workforce Report

2022 State of the Hourly Workforce Survey Report – The Balance of Power Has Shifted to Hourly Employees

The survey results uncovered a shift in the balance of power, with hourly employees insisting on greater schedule empowerment. Learn what businesses can do proactively to improve the work experience for hourly workers and managers.

Getting Workforce Management Right

Retailers struggle to address the demand for hourly employees. Understand the obstacles and learn how Legion Workforce Management software helps them optimize labor efficiency and empower employees.

3 managers having a discussion

How to Select the Best AI-Powered WFM Platform: 6 Critical Questions

What’s the right WFM platform to ensure your success? Many vendors claim to have solutions, expertise, and impeccable references. Here are six key questions to help you evaluate.

Compliance Watch May 2022 – Latest Updates on Labor Laws

In this edition, we show you how Legion WFM helps you manage recent and planned updates in Covid vaccine mandates, minimum wages, fair workweek, and employee leave.

3 professionals working at a computer

5 Milestones on Your Journey to AI-Powered WFM

My last two posts covered why AI-powered workforce management (WFM) is a huge opportunity for retailers like you and how to create your WFM business plan that builds executive support. But what is the actual journey to AI-powered WFM like, and what help do you need along the way? Here are the key milestones on…