
Check out our posts on workforce management software. You'll learn from Legion experts, customers, and partners how Legion WFM enables intelligent automation to maximize labor efficiency and employee engagement simultaneously.

Person On Couch Looking At Mobile Phone

Clopening: Navigating the Maze in Retail and Food Service

Learn about the effects of clopening on employees and what employers can do to avoid this.

Compliance Watch August 2023

The latest edition of Legion’s Compliance Watch covers recent and planned updates to minimum wage and Fair Workweek Laws.

Enhancing Workforce Efficiency: The Power of Effective Dating

Learn about effective dating, and how the right workforce management software can leverage this to enhance your efficiency.

Minimizing Time Card Fraud: Strategies for Retail Companies

Discover effective strategies retail companies can use to prevent time card fraud from the leading workforce management software provider.

Retail Labor Forecasting: Understanding Demand Drivers

To do a great job at retail labor forecasting, you need to understand demand drivers. Learn how to leverage sales data, market trends, and more for retail success.

Increase Employee Productivity With Retail WFM Software

Discover how you can increase employee productivity through modern workforce management strategies and software.

Why Workforce Management Is Important

Discover why workforce management is important in the retail sector, from staffing optimization to increased productivity and customer satisfaction.

Importance of Having a Family-Oriented Company Culture

Learn how and why you should develop a family-oriented company culture in your workplace.

Benefits of Workforce Management Powered By AI

Explore all the benefits of workforce management software that enables intelligent automation of time-consuming, everyday tasks.