
Check out our posts on workforce management software. You'll learn from Legion experts, customers, and partners how Legion WFM enables intelligent automation to maximize labor efficiency and employee engagement simultaneously.

Person On Couch Looking At Mobile Phone

Revolutionizing Retail: A Guide to AI Demand Forecasting

Explore how AI demand forecasting can transform retail operations, enhance sales, and streamline supply chain. Dive into our comprehensive guide today!

Engaging Your Workforce with WFM Data: The Power of Legion

Learn how you can leverage data from your workforce management system to optimize and engage your workforce.

Labor Compliance in the Age of AI: What HR Needs to Know

Legacy labor compliance solutions cause challenges. Discover how AI can help you stay proactive and prevent compliance issues before they arise.

2023 State of the Hourly Workforce: Businesses Must Embrace Intelligent Automation to Give Employees the Flexibility They’re Demanding

Discover the important issues that are trending with hourly employees this year. The theme? They demand flexibility that can be achieved with automation.

Actual Wages: How to Calculate Wages for Employees Correctly

Learn how and why you need to accurately calculate actual wages – whether you have WFM software or not.

Modern Ways to Build Trust and Transparency in the Workplace

Trust and transparency in the workplace are crucial for success. But how do you foster this? Read our article to explore modern solutions like WFM software.

How to Calculate and Manage Schedule Costs

Learn about the steps you need to take to optimize schedule costs, both with and without workforce management software.

The Value of Ensuring Weekly Minimum Hours in Automated Scheduling

Meeting your employees’ minimum hours each week is more important than you think. Learn how automated scheduling can help.

Winning the Payroll Vote for Flexible Pay

Learn what flexible pay is, how your employees can benefit, and what you need to consider when implementing this WFM strategy.