
Check out our posts on workforce management software. You'll learn from Legion experts, customers, and partners how Legion WFM enables intelligent automation to maximize labor efficiency and employee engagement simultaneously.

Person On Couch Looking At Mobile Phone

The Strategic Partnership of SAP and Legion: Simplifying Employee Lifecycle Management

Explore how Legion and SAP simplify employee lifecycle management through HCM and WFM integration.

Advantages of Automated Workforce Management Software vs. Spreadsheets

Discover the advantages of workforce management software vs. spreadsheets to boost productivity and streamline HR operations in your business.

What Makes WFM Intelligent, and Why Does it Matter?

Learn what makes intelligently automated WFM software so different from standard automated software. It’s more important than you might think.

Unlocking the Power of Automation: Workforce Management Software for Enterprise Businesses

Discover how Legion’s workforce management software streamlines operations for enterprise businesses, boosting efficiency and productivity, all through automation.

The AI Advantage: Different Types of AI in WFM

Explore the different types of AI in workforce management and how they’re revolutionizing both employee engagement and workforce productivity in retail.

Measuring ROI: Calculating the Value of Workforce Management Software for Your Business

Unlock growth by measuring ROI and calculating the value of workforce management software for your business. Maximize efficiency today!

Turning Hourly Jobs Into Good Jobs—Abdulalim A’Omer’s Story

Abdulalim A’Omer, an Account Executive at Legion, shares his story about his experience as a gig worker and the benefits of instant access to pay.

Compliance Watch Q1 2024

We just sent out the latest edition of Compliance Watch. This edition covers recent and planned updates to minimum wage and employee leave laws

How Workforce Management Software Benefits HR Departments: A Comprehensive Overview

Discover how Workforce Management Software benefits HR Departments, improving efficiency and boosting employee morale. Learn more now!