
Check out our posts on workforce management software. You'll learn from Legion experts, customers, and partners how Legion WFM enables intelligent automation to maximize labor efficiency and employee engagement simultaneously.

Person On Couch Looking At Mobile Phone

Predictive Scheduling: Finding the Right Balance

When companies can predict demand in advance, they can have confidence that the schedules published will meet customers’ and employees’ needs.

Compliance Watch Q2 2024

Legion’s quarterly bulletin about key changes in compliance rules includes information and resource links to help you monitor new employment laws and make managing and maintaining compliance easier. This edition covers recent and planned updates to minimum wage and employee leave laws.

Workforce Management ROI: The Real Impact on Your Bottom Line

Legion WFM Software is proven to produce a 13x ROI. Find out how this solution saves money, improves efficiency, and boosts employee happiness.

Navigating Complex Shift Patterns: Managing Work Schedules with Software

Discover how managing complex shift patterns with WFM software can transform your workforce scheduling, boosting efficiency and satisfaction.

National Trends in Labor & Employment Law: What Employers Should Know

Employment laws and regulations are constantly changing, and Legion’s Workforce Management tool helps manage compliance.

Legion’s Groundbreaking Growth: A $50M Milestone to Transform Workforce Management

Legion celebrates a significant funding milestone that will allow additional focus on global expansion, further automating processes using AI technologies, and creating real value for employees.

Beyond Clocking Out: Managing Overtime and Work-Life Balance with Software Solutions

Discover how to help hourly employees maintain a healthy balance between overtime and work life, enhancing productivity without burnout.

User Adoption Strategies: Ensuring Successful Implementation of Workforce Management Software

Learn how to ensure the successful implementation of workforce management software in your organization.

Modular Solutions for Growth: Workforce Management Software Tailored to Large Enterprise Needs

Explore how Legion WFM’s modular approach to workforce management software impacts large organizations. Build a better WFM implementation, step by step.