
Check out our posts on workforce management software. You'll learn from Legion experts, customers, and partners how Legion WFM enables intelligent automation to maximize labor efficiency and employee engagement simultaneously.

Person On Couch Looking At Mobile Phone
2022 festive celebration

Happy 2022 and the Best of 2021

We wish you a Happy 2022. And as we look back at 2021, we’re very grateful for our customers and partners. We’re pleased we could help hourly workers and businesses manage the challenges of running companies in this stressful time.

hourly workers on computers

UKG Private Cloud Customers – We’re Here To Help

Legion can help you get back up and running in weeks without intensive migration efforts. Legion’s template-based automated configuration approach to implementation enables lightning-fast deployments – all done remotely. And with the built-in training, your teams can hit the ground running with our powerful and easy-to-use WFM platform and mobile app.

Boost Manager Productivity by 5 Hours per Week and Spend Just Two Minutes to Learn How

Experienced retailers know that a tiny improvement in management productivity can have a huge impact on the bottom line. A recently released Total Economic Impact study by Forrester Research quantifies this relationship, and the result is truly amazing.

Demand Forecasting: Time to Replace Your Crystal Ball with Something Smarter

Accurately forecasting labor demand can make a multi-million-dollar difference to labor costs and impact management productivity, job satisfaction, and retention rates. Here’s a smarter way to optimize it.

retail shop sale

Before NRF 2022, Retailers Have to Meet Holiday Demand

We’re deep into planning for NRF 2022 in January at Javits Center in NYC (booth #4937), but we know our retail customers are focused on meeting holiday demand first.

Happy Thanksgiving From All of Us at Legion

As we’re all rushing around to get the last items for our Thanksgiving celebration, we wanted to pause and thank all of you – our customers, partners, and teammates – for your commitment to Legion this year.

Meet Us At NRF 2022

We’re getting ready for NRF 2022 at the Javits Center in NYC. We’ll be in Booth #4937, and we have a lot to share with you.
Book a meeting to see first-hand how Legion’s cloud-native, AI-Powered Workforce Management platform helps retailers like you optimize labor efficiency and enhance the employee experience simultaneously.

Compliance Watch Bulletin November 2021 Edition

Compliance Watch November 2021 – Latest Updates on Labor Laws

In this edition, we show you how Legion WFM helps you manage recent and planned updates in Covid vaccine mandates, employee leave laws, and minimum wages.

Legion Ai Powered WFM

Legion’s Innovative Use of AI in WFM SaaS

Legion is fundamentally different from legacy workforce management software vendors. Legion WFM is the only platform with true AI and mature data science live and in production for more than four years. Through AI-powered demand forecasting, labor optimization, automated scheduling, and time and attendance modules, customers can optimize labor efficiency.