
Check out our posts on workforce management software. You'll learn from Legion experts, customers, and partners how Legion WFM enables intelligent automation to maximize labor efficiency and employee engagement simultaneously.

Person On Couch Looking At Mobile Phone

How Legion Is Revolutionizing WFM With Shift Segmentation

Discover what having segmented shifts could mean for your organization. Hint: your employees and their performance will thrive.

Precise Labor Forecasting: How it Creates Retail Success

Unlock retail success with labor forecasting: optimize staffing, reduce costs, and boost customer satisfaction. Explore precision prediction methods now!

Holiday Staffing: How This Year Is Different

Learn what’s in store this coming holiday season, and what you can do to prepare.

How To Retain Hourly Employees

It can be hard to retain hourly employees. Learn what many retailers are missing and how to solve this problem for your organization.

Optimizing Retail Success With Seasonal Demand Forecasting

Optimize retail success with seasonal demand forecasting. Enhance supply chain efficiency and boost customer satisfaction for your business.

Top 3 Hidden Reasons Your Employees Quit and How To Solve Them

Discover the top 3 hidden reasons why people quit their jobs and learn actionable strategies to boost employee retention in your retail business.

Compliance Watch Q4 2023

We just sent out the latest edition of Compliance Watch – Legion’s quarterly bulletin about key changes in compliance rules. It includes information and resource links to help you monitor new employment laws and make managing and maintaining compliance easier. This edition covers recent and planned updates to minimum wage, Fair Workweek Laws, and more.

AI-Powered Demand Forecasting: Put it to the Test

Learn how you can improve the accuracy of your demand forecasts. Hint: there’s a reason why AI powered solutions are so popular.

Generative AI: A Perfect Fit for Workforce Management

Learn how generative AI is revolutionizing workforce management, and what Legion WFM is doing to pioneer this cutting edge technology.