Resource Library

Check out our library to learn more about how Legion WFM enables intelligent automation to help you maximize labor efficiency and employee engagement simultaneously.


Compliance Watch May 2023

In the latest edition of Compliance Watch, Legion’s quarterly bulletin about key changes in compliance rules, we include information about recent and planned updates to minimum wage, Fair Workweek Laws, and employee leave.

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2023 Retail Trends: Top Strategies to Transform Labor Operations and the Frontline Employee Experience

Cathy Hotka, founder of the NRF CIO Council and the Store Operations Council, leads a panel of top retail technology specialists from Legion, RetailNext, and YOOBIC. They will delve into the impact of recent shifts in consumer behavior, unpredictable demand, supply chain volatility, and new emerging technologies on the retail industry.


AI-Powered Demand Forecasting: A Buyer’s Guide

Download Legion’s Guide to AI-Powered Demand Forecasting to learn everything you need to know about Demand Forecasting, simple explanations, and key questions to ask for those evaluating products and solutions.

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2023 Retail Trends Report: Transforming Labor Operations and the Employee Experience Through Automation

In this report, a panel of retail technology experts from Legion, YOOBIC, and RetailNext share actionable insights on how to use AI-powered technologies to improve labor efficiency and the frontline employee experience.

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How Demand Forecasting Solves 4 of Retail’s Biggest Challenges

Learn how a better forecast and labor plan will help your organization minimize the impacts of the ongoing labor shortage and increase agility and retention.

NRF Big Idea Session

Big Idea Session: Maximize Labor Efficiency and Employee Engagement Simultaneously

Missed NRF? Watch our Big Idea session to hear from Sanish Mondkar and Traci Chernoff as they discuss how to maximize labor efficiency and employee engagement simultaneously.


Compliance Watch February 2023

In this edition of Compliance Watch, we cover recent and planned updates to CA Fast Food Council, and Fair Workweek Laws.

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Re-Learning Retail Love: The New Best Practices for Acquiring and Retaining Talent

In this webinar, Zipline and Legion share best practices for acquiring and retaining talent, taken directly from the playbooks of the leading C-Store brands.

optimize labor efficiency webinar

New Research: Optimize Labor Efficiency and Reduce Turnover This Holiday Season

Triple-digit turnover rates have become the norm for too many C-store operators. And C-store managers often lack the tools to efficiently and effectively manage labor. Learn strategies for streamlining labor management and reducing attrition by giving employees what they really want.
