Compliance Watch Q3 2024
August 8, 2024
by Justin Siu

We just sent out the latest edition of Compliance Watch—Legion’s quarterly bulletin about key changes in compliance rules. It includes information and resource links to help you monitor new employment laws and make managing and maintaining compliance easier.
This edition covers recent and planned minimum wage, scheduling updates, overtime, and employee leave laws updates.
Minimum Wage
Minimum wage adjustments typically take effect in January, March, July, and December. See which states and major cities have upcoming minimum wage changes. Download the latest edition of Compliance Watch for the complete list here.
How Can Legion Help with Minimum Wage Changes
Legion Workforce Management (WFM) enables employers to load minimum wages for cities and states, ensuring compliance by flagging potential pay rate violations.
Fair Workweek Updates
Effective July 1, 2025, Los Angeles County will enact a new Fair Workweek law mirroring the City of Los Angeles’ law. Key requirements include, but are not limited to:
- Good Faith Estimates for New Hires: Employers must provide a written good faith estimate of the employee’s work schedule before hiring. Deviations must be documented with a legitimate business reason.
- Advance Notice of Work Schedules: Employers must provide written schedules at least 14 days in advance. Employees can decline changes unless they consent in writing.
- Predictability Pay for Schedule Changes: Employees agreeing to schedule changes are entitled to additional pay based on the change’s impact.
Download the full report for the complete list.
How Can Legion Help With Fair Workweek Laws?
Legion WFM supports predictive scheduling compliance, allowing for recording schedule changes and tracking schedule premiums automatically.
Meal and Rest Breaks
Effective August 1, 2024, Louisiana’s child labor meal break requirement applies only to minors under 16 years of age rather than all minors.
How Can Legion Help With Meal and Rest Breaks?
Legion WFM supports meal and rest break templates that can be applied to groups of employees based on their attributes. Customers can set specific break rules for minors under 16 in Louisiana and specific break rules for employees above 16 in Louisiana. Legion also supports flexible and configured meal and rest periods based on many attributes, such as shift duration and timing.
Wage and Payment Updates
Effective August 1, 2024, employers must credit tips received by an employee through a debit, charge, credit card, or electronic payment to the pay period in which the employee receives them and pay the full amount of such gratuities to the employee no later than the next scheduled pay period.
How Can Legion Help?
Customers can easily set up tip distribution rules in Legion WFM. Tips can be distributed by location and dispersed proportionately based on the number of hours worked in a tippable work role. Additionally, customers can dispense tips by specific employees. Using these methods, customers can also determine whether a tip was entered in cash or by credit card. All tips entered in a given pay period or day are included in the pay file for the pay period they are entered to ensure that they are distributed to the employee promptly.
Read all the details and get resource links to help you manage compliance. Download the complete report now.